How Long Does It Take to Make Money Dropshipping?

How Long Does It Take to Make Money Dropshipping?

Surveying the people who use Dropship, it takes an average of 2 months and four days to make a profit for an active dropshipper.

As someone who's been dropshipping for a while, I feel (kind of) ready to answer this question.

How long it takes to make money dropshipping depends on a few things. Your niche, your marketing, and how much effort you put in all affect how quickly you see profite. 

Luck matters too. Some people start making money dropshipping in just a few months. Others might spend years before they see real success.

Some dropshipping gurus will tell flashy stories about people getting rich overnight. Don’t listen to them. Instead, learn what really affects how long it takes to start making money from dropshipping.

Key takeaways

  • Surveying the people who use Dropship, it takes an average of 2 months and four days to make a profit.
  • The time it takes to money dropshipping varies for everyone.
  • Picking the right products and keeping up with trends can help you make money sooner.
  • A clean and easy-to-use store makes customers trust you and buy more quickly.
  • You can use free tools to optimize and scale your dropshipping store

Our survey

We Survey the people who use Dropship. And this is our result: 

  • It takes an average of 2 months and four days to make a profit.
  • The average was then $229, the first profitable month

The caveat with this data is that we only selected active dropshippers. Meaning they where actively spending more than 20 hours a week working on this, however. 

What is the dropshipping model?

Dropshipping is an easy way to start an online business.

In traditional ecommerce, you buy and store products yourself, then handle the shipping. But with dropshipping, your suppliers keep the products and ship them directly to your customers

Finding good suppliers is important. Once you've identified them, make sure they can deliver on time and maintain product quality.

You'll also need to focus on branding and customer service. Since you’re the one customers deal with, it’s your job to keep them happy and satisfied. 

What about profits? 

Well, dropshipping can offer good profits. With low upfront costs and no need to hold inventory, you get to keep more of what you earn. But remember to include shipping and other fees when setting your prices.

How long does it take to profit from dropshipping?

As I mentioned earlier, there’s no set timeline for this. But a few factors can make the process quicker or slower. Here's what can impact how soon you start making money with dropshipping:


Budget matters when you’re starting out with dropshipping. 

A bigger budget helps you get ahead faster. But it’s not because you’re buying stock. You don’t need to worry about that with dropshipping. What really helps is how you can spend more on marketing. 

Paid ads on platforms like Facebook or Google can drive traffic to your store quicker. You could even pay influencers to promote your products.

If you’ve got a smaller budget, though, you’ll need to rely on free traffic. That means using social media, SEO, and organic reach to attract people to your store. It works, but it’s a slower process.

Paid traffic gets you more eyes on your products right away. Free traffic takes time to gain momentum, but it doesn’t cost anything.

Either way, you’ll need to be patient. A big budget might speed things up, but even with a smaller budget, you can still make it work. It just might take a little longer to see those first dollars roll in.


Do you ever wonder why some people seem to succeed faster in dropshipping? Is it just luck, or is there more to it?

Well, some folks have a natural feel for it. They just know which products will sell and how to grab people’s attention.

But not everyone’s like that. Some need a bit more time to figure things out.

That’s okay—everyone has their own pace. The key is to stick with it. The ones who don’t give up are the ones who succeed.

Product choice

The products you choose to dropship can really affect how quickly you start making money. 

Some items sell out fast, while others just sit there. Picking the former means you’ll likely see profits sooner.

You don’t have to guess which items will sell well. Tools like Dropship (a little plug here) can help you figure that out. 

Dropship lets you peek into Shopify stores to see what’s trending. You can check out their sales, revenue, and even the apps and themes they use. 

Once you find products doing well, you can track them over time to make informed decisions about what to sell in your store.

Dropship also offers lists of top-selling products and stores. With this info, you can pick items that are more likely to sell quickly and boost your profits. 

Store design

The design of your dropshipping store plays a huge role in how quickly you start making money. A clean, professional-looking store builds trust with customers.

If your store looks sloppy or outdated, customers might think twice before buying. They could assume you’re not serious, which can hurt your sales and profits.

Investing time in a well-designed store pays off. Use high-quality images, easy navigation, and clear product descriptions. These details make your store look polished and reliable.

If design isn’t your strength, consider using pre-made templates or hiring a designer. A little help can make your store look top-notch and attract more customers.

Language proficiency 

Are you planning to dropship to the US or other English-speaking countries? Your proficiency in English may affect how quickly you start making money.

Having strong English skills means you can market your brand better. On the contrary, poor grammar and unclear wording can make customers doubt your store's credibility.

You can use tools like Grammarly to catch errors and polish your writing. Alternatively, consider making a store in your native language and targeting local customers.


Competition is another factor that impacts how fast you see profits.

In a crowded market, it’s tougher to get noticed. You might need to put in extra effort with your marketing.

Finding a unique approach can help you connect with customers. It’s challenging, but it can pay off.

Choosing a niche with less competition can make it easier to attract attention. But even then, you need to offer products that people actually want. 

Pro tip: Use to analyze the competition and find product gaps to exploit with your business.

Niche trends

Keeping up with niche trends can also affect how quickly you start making money with dropshipping. If you’re selling products in a niche that’s currently trending, you’re more likely to see sales pick up quickly.

However, trends can change fast. If you’re not staying updated, you might find yourself stuck with products that aren’t selling anymore.

Researching and adapting to what’s popular can give you a significant edge. Tools like Google Trends or social media insights can help you spot emerging trends before they peak.

By staying on top of trends, you can offer what customers want right when they want it, speeding up your path to profit.

Supplier reliability

The reliability of your suppliers affects how customers view your store.

A reliable supplier can help you keep customers happy. Consistent product quality and on-time shipping build trust.

On the other hand, a supplier who often delays shipments can push customers away. It might even damage your brand’s reputation.

It’s important to choose suppliers carefully. You can check reviews and ratings to ensure they’re reliable.

But keep in mind, if you switch to more dependable suppliers, it might cost a bit more. However, it’s worth it to keep your customers satisfied.

Payment options

Offering various payment options can affect how fast you make money. Customers like having choices when they pay.

If you only offer one payment method, you might lose sales. Not everyone has a credit card or wants to use it online.

Adding options like PayPal or digital wallets can make customers feel safer. They’re more likely to buy if they see a payment method they trust.

Some people prefer using Apple Pay or Google Pay. Offering these can help you catch those extra sales.

But remember, more payment options mean more fees. So, you need to balance offering choices with keeping your costs low.

Shipping speed and costs

Your shipping speed and cost can impact how fast you start making money. Customers expect quick delivery these days (thanks, but no thanks, Amazon!).

If you’re slow or expensive, you might lose sales. People want their orders fast and without breaking the bank.

To meet customer expectations , consider:

  • Working with suppliers who have warehouses near your customers
  • Using dropshippers with local centers to speed up delivery
  • Offering express shipping options, even if they come at a higher cost.
  • Partnering with multiple suppliers to avoid shipping delays 


Ever wonder why some stores just seem to win customers over right away? The secret often lies in strong branding.

A strong brand helps customers feel confident about their purchase—and keeps them coming back.

To build a strong brand:

  • Stick to a consistent color scheme and logo.
  • Create a clear and engaging “About Us” page.
  • Use high-quality images that reflect your brand’s style.

On top of that, make sure your brand message is clear and consistent across all platforms. This will help you attract customers quickly and keep them loyal.


The right marketing strategies can speed up how quickly you start making money with dropshipping.

Use a combination of social media marketing, email marketing, and SEO to reach your target audience.

Social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook are great for showcasing your products and connecting with potential customers. Regular posts and engaging content can drive traffic to your store.

Email marketing keeps your customers informed about new products, special offers, and promotions. It’s a direct way to keep your audience engaged and coming back for more.

SEO helps your store get found on search engines like Google. Optimizing your product descriptions and using the right keywords can increase your visibility and attract more visitors.

The better your marketing, the quicker you’ll start seeing sales and profits.

Customer Service

When customers have a positive experience with your store, they’re more likely to buy again and recommend you to others. This word-of-mouth can drive traffic to your store without additional marketing costs.

If your customer service is lacking—slow responses, unhelpful support, or unresolved issues—customers might leave negative reviews. Bad reviews can hurt your reputation and make potential customers think twice about buying from you.

Investing time in providing quick and helpful customer support can pay off. Whether it’s through live chat, email, or social media, being responsive shows customers you care.

Offering a clear return policy and easy ways to contact you can also make a big difference. It reassures customers that they’re making a safe purchase, which can speed up your sales.

Time it takes to make money dropshipping from different countries

The mechanisms of the country from where you’re dropshipping products can also impact how fast you make money.

Here’s a few look at how long it might take you: 

How long does it take to make money dropshipping products from India?

Dropshipping from India can offer unique, handcrafted items, but shipping times may vary.

Customs and shipping delays can slow down order fulfillment, impacting your profits.

However, choosing suppliers with reliable logistics can speed up the process and help you start making money sooner.

How long does it take to make money dropshipping products from the U.S.?

Dropshipping from the U.S. can lead to faster shipping times, which customers love.

With quicker delivery, you might see profits rolling in faster.

But keep in mind, U.S.-based suppliers often have higher product costs, which could affect your margins.

How long does it take to make money dropshipping products from Europe?

Dropshipping from Europe can offer high-quality products with shorter shipping times for European customers.

Shipping within Europe can be quicker, helping you make money faster.

However, product costs might be higher, so factor that into your pricing strategy.

How long does it take to make money dropshipping products from China?

Dropshipping from China offers lower product costs, which can increase your profit margins.

However, long shipping times and potential customs delays can slow down the process of making money.

Choosing faster shipping options or using warehouses closer to your customers can help speed things up.

How long does it take to make money dropshipping products from Australia?

Dropshipping from Australia can provide quicker shipping times to Australian and nearby customers.

With faster delivery, you might start seeing profits sooner, especially in the local market.

However, the smaller supplier base might limit product options, so choose your niche carefully.

How long does it take to make money dropshipping products from Latin American countries?

Dropshipping from Latin American countries can be beneficial if targeting local markets due to reduced shipping times.

Local fulfillment can lead to quicker order processing and faster profits.

But keep in mind, product variety might be limited compared to other regions, which could impact your business growth.

How long does it take to make money dropshipping products from Southeast Asia?

Dropshipping from Southeast Asia, including countries like Vietnam and Thailand, offers competitive pricing and unique products.

Shipping times can vary, but partnering with reliable suppliers can help reduce delays.

You may see profits sooner if you focus on niches with high demand in your target markets.

How long does it take to learn dropshipping?

The answer to this depends on where you’re starting from and what you want to achieve.

When I first started, I found that you can learn the basics in about a week.

I was able to figure out how to find products, set up a store, run simple ads, and manage orders.

I even made a few sales early on. 

But it took me a while to realize that sales can be unpredictable—you might not get rich right away, and you could even lose some money as you figure things out..

The more advanced strategies—like mastering data-driven marketing, optimizing conversion rates, and scaling through automation—take longer to master. I’m talking months, maybe even years, to fully grasp the high-level tactics.

If you're ready to start learning, offers plenty of resources to help you:

If you want a schedule to follow, here’s one that I’ve developed to help you get started:

Week 1

Basics of Dropshipping

- Research dropshipping and understand the business model (e.g., read articles, watch YouTube tutorials).

- Choose a niche (e.g., fashion products).

- Find 3-5 reliable suppliers on AliExpress or another platform.

- Sign up for Shopify and start setting up your store.

Week 2

Product Sourcing and Store Setup

- Add 10-20 products to your store.

- Write compelling product descriptions using tools like Grammarly for error-checking.

- Design your store’s homepage, about page, and contact page.

- Set up payment gateways (e.g., PayPal, credit cards).

Week 3

Basic Marketing Strategies

- Create a Facebook Business page and Instagram account for your store.

- Launch your first Facebook ad campaign with a small budget ($5-$10/day).

- Set up Google Analytics to track traffic and conversions.

- Write and schedule 3-5 social media posts to build engagement.

Week 4

First Sale and Initial Adjustments

- Monitor your ad performance using Facebook Ads Manager.

- Make adjustments to ad targeting based on data (e.g., age, interests).

- Use Google Analytics to understand customer behavior (e.g., bounce rate, session duration).

- Tweak product listings based on feedback or lack of sales (e.g., change titles, images).

Week 5-6

Advanced Strategies

- Learn how to use email marketing tools like Mailchimp to create automated campaigns.

- Implement retargeting ads to capture visitors who didn’t make a purchase.

- Explore SEO strategies to improve your store’s ranking on Google (e.g., keyword research, meta descriptions).

- Use Dropship tools like the Product Database to discover winning products and track competitors using the Sales Tracker.

Week 7+

Scaling and Continuous Learning

- Experiment with influencer marketing by reaching out to micro-influencers in your niche.

- Start using advanced analytics tools like Hotjar to see how users interact with your store.

- Test new marketing channels, such as Pinterest ads or TikTok ads, to expand your reach.

- Regularly update your product offerings based on trends and customer feedback using Dropship's Portfolio tool to receive algorithmically detected product drops on a weekly basis.

Challenges Associated with Running a Dropshipping Store

Economic fluctuations 

The economy has an impact on many businesses—and your dropshipping business is no exception.

When consumers’ purchasing power drops, your sales might take a hit. That's why I recommend dropshipping to multiple markets to balance out potential losses.

Research high-income demographics and explore products that cater to their needs. By doing so, you can keep your business afloat even during tough times.

Returns and refunds

There’s a saying that you can’t escape returns in ecommerce (okay, I made that up, but it’s true). 

Fortunately, a lot of returns depend on how you've set things up. For example,

  • Having a clear return policy informs customers of what to expect.
  • Ensuring accurate product descriptions and images helps set the right expectations.
  • Offering responsive customer support can address concerns before they lead to a return.
  • Communicating with suppliers to maintain product quality reduces the chances of returns due to defects.

Product quality

Dropshipping removes the need to buy inventory. But it also means you don't directly control product quality.

If you're not careful, this can lead to inconsistent customer experiences.

To address this concern, consider working with suppliers who have strict quality control measures.

You can also regularly test products by ordering samples to ensure they meet your standards before listing them in your store.

Market saturation

Since dropshipping has a low barrier to entry, there are tons of stores out there selling similar products. And chances are, your new dropshipping business will face stiff competition.

To differentiate yourself, try:

  • Picking a niche that’s less crowded.
  • Offering bundles or exclusive deals that others don’t have.
  • Adding a personal touch, like handwritten thank-you notes or special packaging.
  • Engaging with your customers directly through social media for a more personal connection.

Frequently asked questions 

How long does it take to be successful in dropshipping?

From what I know, the time required for becoming a successful dropshipper varies for each person. If you’re starting from scratch and aiming to have an income in place of your current job's, it could take a while.

On average, you might spend 6 to 18 months before you’re consistently earning around $1,000 a month in profit. The timeline depends on:

  • How much effort you put in
  • The niche you choose
  • Your comfort with technology
  • Your financial resources

Some people give up because they expect quick results, only to find out it takes more time and work than they thought. They often get discouraged before seeing any real success.

Those who do succeed understand that setbacks are part of the journey. They keep going, adjust when needed, and stay realistic about the process.

Are dropshipping businesses always profitable?

No, dropshipping businesses don’t always turn a profit.

Whether you make money from dropshipping depends on a few key factors, including:

  • The demand for your products
  • The level of competition in your market
  • How well you market your store

That’s why it’s important to do your research and have a solid plan. The more you prepare, the better your chances of seeing success.

Can you start dropshipping without money?

Yes, you can start dropshipping with minimal to zero investment.

However, it does help to have some funds for advertising and website setup—these can accelerate your business growth.

That said, those without a budget can still build a successful business using free tools and social media.

Learn how to start a dropshipping business for free.

How long does it take to build a dropshipping store with Shopify?

If you know how to use Shopify, you can set up a basic dropshipping store in 1-2 hours. Here's a quick guide on how much time to spend on different tasks:

  • 15 minutes: Create your Shopify account.
  • 30–45 minutes: Customize your store theme.
  • 15–30 minutes: Set up payment options and shipping rates.
  • 30 minutes: Use tools like ChatGPT to write product descriptions.
  • 20 minutes: Create product images using Canva.
  • 10 minutes: Install and use apps like Dropship to add products.

By following this timeline, your store will be ready to launch in no time.

Final verdict

So, we’ve talked about how long it can take to make money with dropshipping. It’s important to know that everyone’s journey is different.

If you already know about ecommerce, you might make money fast—sometimes in a few weeks. But if you’re new, it might take a little longer. That’s okay. Just be patient and keep trying.

Dropshipping is like any business. It needs time, effort, and persistence. But with the right mindset, you can make it work.